Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Seth forgot to mention...

I forgot to tell you in my email that I ate dinner two nights ago at the brother of Angelica Delgado's house. His name is Nefi Rodriguez and through conversation, I found out that he's from Guatemala and related to them. I thought it was pretty neat.

For those that don't know.....The Delgado family were our best friends when we lived in Coral Springs FL. We did Joy School (preschool program where the mom's rotate) and enjoyed them so much. Seth would have been about 3-4 years old when we moved to Florida. Also, while he was in the MTC he ran into one of their daughters (we called her Raquelita) in the mail room. They played together as children. It warms my heart to think of them and the connection to Seth now. How wonderfully small the chruch is sometimes.

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